This course covers the difficulties pilots face when controllers string together too many instructions.
This microlearning course covers the busiest times for pilots. It suggests that controllers keep these times in mind when issuing instructions.
This microlearning course covers the difficulties that controllers and pilots face when call signs are similar. It suggests ways for controllers to...
Bird Activity is part of the Emergencies Series of courses. The microlearning course covers the frequency and sometimes fatal danger of bird strike...
This microlearning course covers the characteristics of volcanic ash and how it affects aircraft in flight. The course discusses how difficult it i...
“Wake Turbulence” is a microlearning course covers the characteristics of wake turbulence and its effect on aircraft. The course discusses best pra...
This microlearning course discusses the emergency from the pilot’s point of view and offers best practices for ATCOs to assist pilots during an eng...
This microlearning course discusses the emergency from the pilot’s point of view and offers best practices for ATCOs to assist pilots during hypoxia.
This micro learning course discusses the strategies to use information, equipment, and people in responding to aviation emergencies.
This microlearning course reminds ATCOs how to identify that a pilot may be experiencing or is about to experience an emergency and the first steps...
VMC/VFR into IMC is part of the Emergencies Series of micro-learning courses. The four-minute video discusses the emergency from the pilot’s point ...
This microlearning course covers the frequency and sometimes fatal danger of bird strikes. The course discusses how pilots are trained to avoid bir...
Turbulence is part of the ATCO Technical Series: Pilot’s Point of View courses. The microlearning course covers the causes of turbulence and what...
This microlearning course discusses how expectation bias may adversely affect the ability of an ATCO to properly scan. A short video shows a real-l...
This microlearning course discusses the risks of ATCOs giving pilots instruction during the most critical phases of flight.
This microlearning course discusses how similar sounding call signs may cause confusion for pilots and ATCOs. A short video shows a real-life scena...
This microlearning course discusses how memory lapses may adversely affect the ability of an ATCO to control traffic. A short video shows a real-li...
This microlearning course discusses the types of factors outside an ATCO’s control that may adversely affect the ability to control traffic. A shor...
This microlearning five-minute video reminds engineers of their duty to identify and report safety issues through a voluntary disclosure reporting ...
This microlearning five-minute video reminds supervisors of their duty to identify and report safety issues through a voluntary disclosure reportin...
This microlearning course reminds engineers of their duty to identify and report safety issues through a voluntary disclosure reporting program and...
This microlearning course covers the characteristics of microbursts and how they affect aircraft in flight. The course discusses how difficult it i...
This course covers the danger of weather and the difficulty of seeing it clearly with radar.
This microlearning course covers the characteristics of thunderstorms and how they affect aircraft in flight. The course discusses safe spacing aro...
“ILS Critical Areas and Precision Obstacle Free Zone” is part of the ATCO Runway Safety Series of courses. The second part of this microlearning co...
“Runway Intersection Operations” is part of the ATCO Runway Safety Series of courses. The International Civil Aviation Organization lists runway ...
“Stable Approaches” is part of the ATCO Runway Safety Series of courses. In simple terms, an unstable approach occurs when an aircraft is too hig...
“Airport Surface Safety” is part of the ATCO Runway Safety Series of courses. This microlearning course presents footage identifying the risks fr...
“Late Changes to ATC Clearances Part 2: Best Practices” is part of the ATCO Runway Safety Series of courses. The second part of this microlearnin...
“Late Changes to ATC Clearances Part 1: FMS Scenario” is part of the ATCO Runway Safety Series of courses. The first part of this microlear...
“Protect the Pavement Part 3: Pilot Deviation Scenario” is part of the ATCO Runway Safety Series of courses. The third part of this microlearnin...
“Protect the Pavement Part 2: Techniques” is part of the ATCO Runway Safety Series of courses. The second part of this microlearning course pres...
“Protect the Pavement Part 1: Vehicle Deviation Scenario” is part of the ATCO Runway Safety Series of courses. The first part of this microlearn...
“Ceniza Volcánica” es parte de los cursos de la Serie de Emergencias para controladores de tránsito aéreo. Este curso de microaprendizaje revisa ...
Falla de Motor/Pérdida de Empuje es un curso de microaprendizaje de la Serie de Emergencias. Este video de cuatro minutos analiza una emergencia de...
Descripción generalHipoxia es un curso de microaprendizaje de la Serie de Emergencias. Este video de cinco minutos analiza una emergencia desde el ...
Piloto VMC/VFR Entrando en IMC es un curso de microaprendizaje de la Serie de Emergencias. Este video de cuatro minutos analiza una emergencia desd...
Este curso de microaprendizaje analiza los riesgos que surgen cuando los controladores de tránsito aéreo emiten instrucciones a pilotos durante las...
Este curso de microaprendizaje analiza cómo el sesgo de expectativa puede afectar negativamente la capacidad de un controlador de tránsito aéreo pa...
Este curso de microaprendizaje analiza cómo los lapsos de memoria pueden afectar negativamente la capacidad de un controlador de tránsito aéreo par...
Este curso de microaprendizaje analiza los tipos de factores que se encuentran fuera del control de un controlador de tránsito aéreo y que pueden a...
Este curso de microaprendizaje analiza cómo los distintivos de llamada de sonido similar pueden causar confusión para los pilotos y los controlador...
“Comunicación Efectiva” es parte de los cursos de la Serie de Comunicación para controladores de tránsito aéreo. Este curso de microaprendizaje r...
“Comunicación Oportuna” es parte de los cursos de la Serie de Comunicación para controladores de tránsito aéreo. Este curso de microaprendizaje r...
“Agrupación de Transmisiones” es parte de los cursos de la Serie de Comunicación para controladores de tránsito aéreo. Este curso de microaprendi...
“Escucha Activa” es parte de los cursos de la Serie de Comunicación para controladores de tránsito aéreo. Este curso de microaprendizaje cubre la...
“Microrráfagas” es parte de los cursos de la Serie de Clima. Este curso de microaprendizaje revisa las características de las microrráfagas y cóm...
“Clima Severo” es parte de los cursos de la Serie de Clima. Este curso de microaprendizaje revisa los peligros del clima y la dificultad de local...
“Tormentas Eléctricas” es parte de los cursos de la Serie del Clima. Este curso de microaprendizaje presenta las características de las tormentas...
Actividad de Aves es parte de la Serie Técnica de ATCO: Punto de Vista del Piloto. El curso de microaprendizaje abarca la frecuencia y el peligro...
La turbulencia es parte de la Serie Técnica de ATCO: Punto de Vista del Piloto. El curso de microaprendizaje abarca las causas de la turbulencia ...